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Engagement Models

Engagement Models For Banking Software And Financial Services

All our clients operate in the banking, financial services and insurance sector, yet each of them has very individual needs. To cater to the very distinct needs of our customers, we have configured our comprehensive range of service capabilities in the area of testing and business requirements into a number of alternative engagement models. You can select the engagement model that is most suited to your requirements on the basis of a number of factors, including your internal organisational maturity, flexibility, time and cost considerations.

We offer two categories of engagement models.

Engagement Models Based on Service
The testing phase of any Product Development Life Cycle (PLC) consists of 4 distinct components:

  • Testware design and creation
  • Test management
  • Test execution
  • Test execution support

You can engage our services for each component of the testing phase in a specific testing engagement. Whenever you choose to assign a role/responsibility to us, you can also mandate whether the related activities are to be conducted either on-site or offshore. Once these choices are defined, the Engagement Model is configured.

The cost and potential value-addition associated with each testing component varies across the role spectrum, from client, TGS onsite, and TGS offshore. As one moves from left to right, the responsibilities and value addition by Thinksoft increase.

Engagement Models

SDLC Phases Service Stages Model I Model II Model III Model IV Model V Model VI Model VII Model VIII
Requirements Requirements specification               TGS
Design / Coding Test ware creation client client TGS offshore TGS offshore TGS offshore TGS offshore TGS offshore TGS offshore
Test Test Management client client client client TGS onsite TGS onsite TGS offshore TGS offshore
Test Test execution client TGS onsite client client client TGS onsite TGS offshore TGS offshore
Test Test execution Support       TGS onsite TGS onsite      
Roll Out User Support Phase               TGS

In addition to the components of the testing phase listed above, you can also outsource the requirements specification and the user support phases to avail of potentially higher value-addition possibilities. Consequently, Engagement Models VII and VIII are the highest value addition models in the spectrum.

Engagement Model Based on Scope
Value Added Per Unit Cost

We partner with banks and financial institutions to execute very specific testing requirements. Depending on your level of confidence and necessity for specialised testing services, you can gradually increase the scope of the work you assign to us. As you move more of the testing load to us, you will find that your business users can divert their time to more productive income- generating activities. We offer the following Engagement Models Based on Scope:

Professional Services: In this engagement model, our domain specialists and testing engineers work with you on projects that require specific skill sets. This helps to plug any shortages in your resource base.

Testing Projects: This engagement model allows you to engage our services for particular application testing projects. We work with you to ensure comprehensive testing of the application successfully and within timelines.

Outsourcing Testing for application(s): This engagement model allows you to outsource testing for specific lengths of time. We handle testing of all releases of outsourced applications, ensuring successful delivery during this period.

Testing Centre of Excellence: This engagement model is for companies that are looking for a comprehensive testing partner for all application releases throughout the organisation. In this engagement, we take charge of the testing function and help clients standardise test processes, documentation etc across the organisation.


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