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Retail Banking
Creation of ARTP helps a leading Asian bank upgrade its Core Banking Solution (CBS)

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Business Acceptance Testing helps large Asian bank implement 'Business Ready' Core Banking Solution (CBS)

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Retail Banking Software Testing

Retail banks have to cope with fierce competition, changing customer demands and profiles, and regulatory issues. Customer demand for new and innovative products and services, centralised operations, and integrated delivery channels is ever increasing even as pricing remains a sensitive issue in this segment.

Retail banks are constantly under pressure to increase sales by signing up new clients and increasing business from existing customers. To retain existing customers and attract new customers, these banks have begun offering value added products including insurance products and mutual fund products. This is in addition to their regular value offerings such as ATM, debit card, credit card, bill payment services, e-banking, mobile banking, demat services and wealth management solutions.

Retail banks make significant investments in their business strategies to support their ever expanding business plans. These include on deploying an efficient and up-to-date IT framework. However, maintaining up-to-date IT infrastructure requires making constant changes in their IT systems. New or upgraded applications have to be comprehensively tested to ensure that they function in a very demanding realtime environment, as any gaps can prove costly for the bank in terms of time-to-market, return on investments and reputation loss.

We provide retail banking software testing services to make your applications 'business ready'. We have vast experience in requirements assurance and functional testing in the retail banking domain. Our proven methodologies and global delivery model lends the right process and expertise to meet your testing requirements.

We have helped in successfully rollout of retail banking products such as FLEXCUBE®, Bancs 24, Newton, FinnOne™, Equation, T24, and CS Eximbills.

Global 50 Bank - Script Review
We were engaged by a Global 50 bank for script review. We reviewed 6998 manual scripts in Test Director for 817 functions in 9 modules, to:
  • Determine Functional Coverage
  • Identify Gaps
  • Identify scripts for automation

The scope covered the following modules:

  • Teller
  • Loans
  • Deposits
  • Transfers
  • Data Entry
  • Online banking
  • Interactive Voice Response (IVR)
  • Automated Teller Machines (ATM)/Other channels

We uncovered the following inadequacies in the existing test script:

  • One in six functions were missing in the script
  • One in four functions were inadequately covered

Our services helped the client to:

  • Identify and close functionality gaps in the test script
  • Comprehensively test releases of the application across multiple locations
  • Identify scripts that needed enrichment in:
    • Navigation/workflow
    • Data
    • Expected results
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