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Data Warehousing

Data Warehouse is the main repository of the organization's historical data. It contains the data for management's decision support system. While Data Warehouse initiatives can be greatly beneficial to banks and financial services organizations
  • To prepare for changing business need
  • Factual decision making and reduce decision making cycles
  • Getting new customers and retaining earlier ones
  • Getting ahead of the competition
  • Increase productivity, cross sales
  • Revenue maximization through accurate forecasts

But there are many challenges that one may face in their implementation and utilization

  • Consolidation of data from variety of legacy sources
  • Large scale system integration
  • Size of DWH and data storage rules
  • Managing ever changing user / business requirements
  • Overall architecture by taking future business needs and transformation

One of the greatest risks to success of any company, implementing a business intelligence system, is rushing a Data Warehouse into service without testing it. De-risking business applications has thrown up the need for dedicated, domain focused Business Acceptance Testing.

As a domain focused independent testing company, we can help you have Data Warehouse 'business ready'. Our Data Warehouse testing methodology is incremental and is designed to accommodate changing Data Warehouse schema arising from evolving business needs. As we know about banking domain and its core systems behavior we are able to identify erroneous data generated quickly at initial stage itself.

How we can help

  • Comprehensive test coverage across the entire architecture
  • Optimal test strategy for Data quality
  • Disciplined test management
  • Best practices in testing Data warehousing applications
  • Knowledge in contemporary Data Warehouse technologies such as Teradata, Cognos etc
  • Track record in testing Data Warehouse rollouts, upgrades, and enhancements since 2004

How you can benefit

  • End to End synchronized testing of Data Warehouse with all dependent systems, mirroring the data flow through the entire architecture
  • Increased Data quality at all levels
  • Faster delivery of 'Fit to Use' application to the end user
  • Assurance that data from multiple sources is correctly integrated into DWH platform
  • Consistent analysis of defects to prioritize and for a timely fix
  • Testing core, custom reports and extracts
Thinksoft Data Warehouse Testing Competency covers
  • Oracle Database (Oracle 8i and Oracle 9i)
  • Teradata
  • Sybase Database
  • SQL
  • UNICA Affinium - Campaign Management Tool
  • Trillium Discovery - Data Profiling Tool
  • File Aid - Mainframes Tool
  • Cognos Reports suite
  • Business Objects Reports suite
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