Financial Software Testing Company
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Outsourced Software Testing
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Financial Services - Software Testing

Companies in the BFSI sector are constantly increasing their investments in IT as part of their strategy to increase profits, improve time-to-market of new products and services, cope with regulatory changes and meet rising customer demands. The problems are aggravated by mounting pressures to respond quickly to these challenges.

Banks and financial institutions are sensitive to the knowledge that a single error can result in loss of repeat business, revenues and reputation. They realise the importance of testing and re-testing systems, processes, protocols and products.

By its very requirement, software testing is a very exacting job, making it imperative for this service to be managed by dedicated experts with the necessary domain knowledge.

With 14+ years of experience in financial domain focussed independent testing, we have acquired the ability to customize testing solutions for clients across a variety of business areas and products. These include:

Our clients across the US, Europe, and the Asia-Pacific region have benefited from availing of our comprehensive service offerings, such as:

Financial Services

Softwares Tested

Core Banking/ Retail BankingFinacle, Bancs 24, FLEXCUBE®, Newton, FinnOne™, Equation, T24, CS Eximbills
TreasuryKondor+, Kastle, Urbis
Investment BankingMIDAS
Retail Lending/ Loans/ MortgagesPan Credit, LSI-NT, Foresee, Cheque mate, NBO, Generalized Installment Loans,System, Integrated Consumer Credit System
Credits CardsVisionPLUS®, TS2, PRIME
Payment SystemSTS - CWS
Corporate BankingFLEXCUBE®
Private BankingORBI
Campaign ManagementClarityQ
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